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Week 8 Blog Post

Hello all,

What I learned about social media from this class will last me forever.  I learned that you must be extremely careful about what, how, and when to post things online.  Everything you put out into cyber-world can be looked at by millions and millions of people.  That means only the small percentage of people that you intend your messages and photos for see it; the other larger percentage of people are therefore strangers and some with malicious ideas of what to do with your posted information.

At first I was dead set against social media websites like Face book and Twitter.  After taking this class I am still on the fence about Face book, but I do think Twitter could be a useful tool in my life.  I especially like how it is very informative, short and precise, with all information contained in 154 characters or less; messages are straight to the point.  The other social media site that I was introduced to was called LinkedIn.  I thought this online site to be very edifying and a great way to make and communicate with contacts in the job-world.  It is not only good for finding new employment, but also it is excellent for staying informed with other people in your same line of work. 

Even though we had to do blogging every week for this class, I was not really sure what the benefit of this exercise was.  I think Professor Antonaros just wanted to show us another way of using social media.  I think the site; is mainly more for the artsy type of person who is interested in creative working and the sort.  I may be wrong on my take of blogging, but this is how I feel the site is mostly used for.  I sure it has other great qualities or reasons for existing, but nothing that interests me more to continue on using it after this class is complete.

All in all I enjoyed this class about social media and learned a great deal about technology in general and how it is ever improving at an astronomical pace.  Good luck to my Professor, Mary Antonaros and all my fellow classmates in the future endeavors.


Mike MacKinnon

Week 7 Blog Post

Hello all,

Social media has impacted racial, cultural and ethnicity-related topics because it gathers the masses of people who share the same attitudes, opinions and cultural biases and brings them together in a forum like atmosphere.  The old adage, there is strength in numbers definitely applies here.  A group of people considered to be minorities because of their race or cultural ethnicity now have a forum to bind together their common thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that might be otherwise lost if not for social media websites. 

Used positively, social media can be a great factoring tool for equalizing the playing field sort-of -speak.  The intimidation factor of not speaking perfect english, or having the right mannerisms is not applicable here.  A person of different race, creed or color can gain the confidence needed for interacting with others all while in the comfort of their own home, or comfort space.  People will be more prone to mix with other cultures and races especially if their true identity can be protected.

Used negatively, social media could be disatorious.  It could be used as a forum for hate mongers and  bring out the worst in people.  Like there is strength in numbers, hate can spread on the internet like  an angry mob set out on a witch hunt.  Respect is something that is both gained and given, words and videos shared online should be done so in good faith.  Social media can only be somewhat policed, it is up to all of us to make sure that no one is dicriminated because of their race and or cultural ethnicities.


Mike MacKinnon

Week Six Blog

Hello everyone,

Social Media can be used for my career development by constantly furthering my vocation at an alarming rate.  It rapidly enhances my job search, and helps to find particular jobs that may be of great interest to me.  With the advent of Social Media for job searches; it is almost as if employers are finding me, rather than me finding employers.

 I think Social Media will impact my career by making myself more marketable and developing my credentials in a systematic, easy to read and understand manner.  It is a great way of keeping in touch with the world and networking with professionals in my occupational genre.

Social Media can be used to search out new jobs or possibly change careers altogether.  It can match me up or link myself with other professionals in my field of work.  Now I can get an inside track as to who is looking for potential candidates, and what it is they are looking for in a future employee.

Social Media networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter enable users/employers to adjust visibility settings in order for companies to find me.  It is important however, to make sure that I keep all personal Social Media networks separate from my professional Social Media networks.

In referring back to my answer to your question #2; the Symbolic frame preys on the feelings and morals of people.  By using the Symbolic frame, Reid endorses his proposed clinics and bases his needs for the clinics on the already established values and shared importance of the already present hospital atmosphere.

Social Media is all about networking and developing contacts.  By creating accounts in the various online networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, I have created great possibilities for future betterment.


Mike MacKinnon

Week 5 Blog Topic

Hello to all,

To increase business activity I would use social media for such things as marketing research and or product innovation.  My intentions for using social media are for gathering data and never for spamming.  I want to correlate my value proposition with what people/buyers are truly interested in.  The more attentive the interest is the better chance of connecting to new customers.  More data is always good, but making a quantitative analysis will further help differentiate my brand and drive the actions toward delivering a product that is wanted and profitable to me.

In order to increase profitability I will have to increase my accountability in regards to my marketing efforts.  Social media will have by using existing data and or customer insights from my collective research done online to create projections and realistic goals which I aim to achieve.  Simply put; I need to maximize social media for marketing activities that will optimize my bottom line (which is total profit) and waste less effort on what does not (increase profits).

Some of the social media sites that will increase my customer relationship management are Goldmine, Dynamics CRM, and Salesforce.  The online sites that help me to integrate business to consumer relationships are the kind that entices more personal information.  Sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow me to uncover perceptions of my buyers and to constantly stay in touch with the brands that are already out there.  I guess you can say that this is a way of keeping an eye on the competition.  Other online sites that will help my business are Amazon and Foursquare.  Amazon is good for product reviews; Foursquare is excellent for displaying locations.

Social media will increase the visibility of my business by building an online community that will provide practical value.  By doing some in-depth research to get useful data on the demographics of my target audience, I will then be able to identify the appropriate social media networks to use to go after my objective consumers.  The key to success will be to understand how my target social consumers think, act, and make decisions.  With the proper use of social media my business will do just this and therefore hopefully pay off with increased dividends.

Thanks for reading my weekly blog and have a great day.


Mike MacKinnon


Week Four Blog

Hello to all,

I really liked the site, “Google Maps Street View”.  I found it quite interesting that I was able to zoom down a city street virtually anywhere in the world just by following the directional arrow.  It is a bit hesitant as you move down the street, but a great concept nonetheless.  Once at the location you desire, you can then do a 360 degree panoramic view of the place.  The worst part of the site is that you cannot zoom in up close once at the location of interest.  Basically what you see is what you get, with the ability to move around of course. 

I will surely use this site in the future.  Right now my wife and I are looking for new house in a completely different location from where we are living currently.  With this site, we can save money and time driving to all sorts of different places.  The searching for a new home can now be all done online.  Once something peaks our interest, then we can set out to visit the location in person.  I think this web site offers more places to view virtually then we could probably see physically.

The site is most useful for searching out places to visit that you may never get a chance to see.  The views you are getting are reasonably up-to-date and of course updated periodically.  Curious way a business is located?  Why get lost, use this site to first scope out where you are going and see landmarks that will make your trip easier to find your final destination.

Really the target audience is for anyone; old, young, and people of all races, creeds and colors will find this site useful and enjoyable.

Finally here is the link is for the website,

Yes, you will need to sign up in order to receive a username and password to make the site functional for use.  Check it out, this site is easy and fun to use.   


Mike MacKinnon

2012 Presidential Election #shupcm485

2012 Presidential Election #shupcm485.

Hello Jenny,

The great tool of social media during election time is the bombardment of information that flows your way.  You can pick and choose your information regarding which way you are leaning towards voting.  An intelligent person however, will spend some time observing the negative comments to see if there are any valid points that may have be missed or not known.  The smart person then processes all the good arguments and the bad opinions and presumably then makes an educated vote.   

Since I am not an American, I cannot vote Jenny, but I do pay great attention to the electoral race since my occupation in the Energy business will probably be greatly affected by who wins and who loses.  Social Media options such as Twitter and Facebook allow me to stay connected, but not being able to vote only frays my nerves.  I must have faith in my American friends that the right candidate will be voted in and that life will be made just a little easier for me and my family.

Since the election was last night and Obama won, I am not feeling that great since part of his campaign was to try and cut energy costs by cutting spending; this ultimately will have a negative effect on my personal income in the future.  What were your views on the election Jenny, did the candidate that you voted for win? 

Take care, have a great day.


Mike MacKinnon

Week Three Blog Topic

Good day to everyone,

Social media will impact the 2012 election because it allows better communication ports between voters and candidates alike.  Twitting, Blogging, Facebooking, web videos and the list goes on and on for ways to communicate via social media lets the candidates deliberate their intense efforts on the more important “swing voters”; voters who are not quite yet aligned with one campaign or another.  In a close election, swing voters become very important and the use of social media plays a big part in going after those “swing voters”.  At present, there really is no better medium than social media over the internet for allocating a campaign’s hard earned efforts toward fine tuning their “attack” on a specific set of or particular voter(s).

Happy voting my American friends, I will just have to sit back and watch the whole process unfold since I am Canadian and will not be voting in the U.S. election.


Mike MacKinnon

Technology and Social Media Resources

Hi all,

The website that I visited for this week’s blog topic was, “Digital Trends”.  I learned so much about the new technology that is out there and it all is just a click away.  Everything from videos, mobile devices, computers, video games, home theater products and the ever changing world of digital devices (people’s comments and outlooks).  I found all this information to be very interesting and up-to-date.  I am looking to get a new digital surround sound that is wireless and all in a single thin bar that can be hung.  I found information on the product that I think I am going to get.  It is a Samsung (which will match my television) with crystal surround air trac and has the new virtual 3d surround system, but does not contain any bulky speakers.  A great concept, all for an affordable price.  Think I am going to hook this up!

Thats all for now, take care everyone.

Week One Blog Topic

Hello Professor Antonaros and fellow classmates,

Well, first off I hope to take from this class a sense of control of the many different variations of social networking that are going to be made available to us throughout the 8 week session of this course.  Secondly, since I am in the “dark ages” when it comes to socially interacting with people with the many different ways of electronic communication; my goal is to master as much as I can in the shortest amount of time.  Thirdly, from my words above it is easy to see that my experience with social media and communicating via electronic devises is very limited to say the least.  Lastyly, do I have concerns?  For sure, but they are of the good natured ones.  Since I have nothing to really base opinion on, I am all game when it comes to learning whatever, whenever and by whomever; not just by the professor, but by all my classmates as well.

With all that being said above, I do believe this brings my first ever blog to a close.

Good luck to all in the next eight weeks time.


Mike MacKinnon

Hello world!

Welcome to! This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it.

Happy blogging!